Mission Statement
To use our strengths, gifts, and talents that we posses because of our multi-cultural heritage blessed on us by our Creator to promote and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, nurturing families, assisting the material and spiritually poor, protecting the weak, comforting the sick and dying in our community, thanking, praising, and worshiping the Lord, welcoming all to join us!!

Event: 2025 St. Luke Wine Tasting
Date/time: February 28th at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $30/ticket
Raffle tickets at the event: $5/ticket
Theme: Mardi Gras
We hope you can join us. Tickets will be sold
before and after Mass for 3 weeks before the
event. The event includes music, raffle, wine
and food and hopefully dancing too!
We could use volunteers to help with set-up
and decorating during the event such as wine
pourers. We also need finger foods so even if
you cannot attend the event, you can volunteer
to drop off appetizers or desserts between
12-6 on Friday, February 28th.
To volunteer, please contact Jenny Banker,
(803) 810-4698 or email her at
[email protected] and she will add you to
Signup Genius or you can sign up directly using
this link for this event and you can see all the
volunteer opportunities!
Hope to see you there!
**Must be at least 21 years of age to attend or to volunteer. **